Welcome to Offending Stephen, the website. Offending Stephen is the sum of one Joseph Dominick Intranuovo and one Stephen ??? Trovei; the whole being, of course greater than the sum of its parts. Well, maybe not ... Steve is infinitely way cooler than Joe, as he did build this site ... but anyway, Steve .. ahem .. I mean, the webmaster digresses.

The beginnings of Offending Stephen can be traced back to a concussion suffered in the Summer of 1992 ... or perhaps, it was 1993? Back then, history wasn't recorded as thoroughly as it is now. Anyway, the parents of these young lads, who were around 10 at the time, knew each other and figured that their respective first born sons would become friends. So they hung out at Steve's house and while Steve was showing off his tarzan-like abilities on one of the many ropes that littered his back yard, a terrible accident happened. The rope snapped and young Stephen fell 3 ... maybe even .. *GASP* ... 4 ... feet as Joe watched helplessly. The young lad landed on his head, earning his first of two, count 'em, two ... concussions!
Apparently, Joe was scared of this accident-prone young man and the two didn't see too much of each other until they both attended the same Middle School. Imagine that! Out of all the middle schools in their hometown, they ended up at the same one. By the time these two lads miraculously attended the same high school, they had formed a friendship that would later increase exponentially! Stay tuned for more!

For most, high school would have been the end of such an adventurous duo ... but no ... not these two! They went on to conquer the University of Scranton in August of 2000. During their freshmen year there, the two formed a friendship of a level equivalent to Chris Farley & David Spade, Greg Graffin & Mr. Brett, and even dare I say it? ... Batman & Robin! ... oh wait ... nevermind Steve and Joe aren't that close.
It was during their freshmen year that the precursor to Offending Stephen was founded. The two decided to combine their insanity and build a joint website. If you're a huge fan of all things Offending Stephen you might want to check out that site, it's called Bombersnaps!!

Sophomore year found the duo in Leahy, the suckiest of all of the University's dorms. After their first website quickly went the way of the buffalo, Joe decided he wanted another go. So, with Steve's permission, he was allowed a "corner" of Steve's site to post articles he wrote about life ... and bums. [read more on Offending Stephen - the Article]
Their collaborations did not end there, as they soon wrote a song together, with their hatred for Leahy as a driving force. The song led to the creation of the two-man band and other hits you've never heard such as "Where Are My Pants?", "The River", "Naked Monica", and the Offending Stephen "Hoe Down!". [read more on Offending Stephen - the Band]
In their junior year, the two decided to embark upon a journey into the wonderful world of RADIO! ... RADIO! Get's Results! ... ahem ... sorry. Their show, named Offending Stephen, of course, turned the air waves into a freak show with such highlights as COCKFIGHTING and CHOCOLATE FACTORIES. [read more on Offending Stephen - the Radio Show]
Future plans may call for a house and perhaps even an acces 8 television show.
[read more on Offending Stephen - the House]